Beaufort County NC Crime Stoppers
How It Works
Why is it preferred?
Fear of retaliation
Lack of concern
A reluctance to become involved
As a Prevention Tool
Eliminate Fear and Lack of Concern
Law Enforcement
Takes Calls
Passes them on to the proper agency
Agency investigates the tip
Crime Stoppers is a Crime Prevention Tool
The Three Main Components of Reporting Crime
The Community
Law Enforcement
The Media
If an arrest or recovery of property occurs from the tip a reward is paid.
The Pay-Out for the Tip is Submitted to the Crime Stopper’s Civilian Board.

The Board looks at the:
Case Summary-brief overview
Arrest Information
Who? Where? What? When? How?
Charges – what type of charge, felony or misdemeanor
Recovery – how much property, drugs, or weapons
Impact of Community – how will this impact the community
Responsibilities of the Board
Finances-Income, expenses, budget, and payouts
Fundraising – All money making activities
Promotional – Promoting the program
“The key to prevention is intelligence and Crime Stoppers is the source of that intelligence”.
Cost Analysis
Non-Profit privately funded by sponsors, donations, and fundraisers
Benefits: Are Immense!
- Safer Community to live, work, and for our children to play
- Safer Schools for our children to learn and grow
- Reduced Fear and Apathy
- Fewer tax dollars spent on repair and vandalism
- CA$H Rewards